CIRAD - International Center for Research and Decision Support

Call for papers – Journal Educatio – N° 15 “Talking about God at School? Primary, Secondary and Higher Education”

Within the framework of the recent collaboration between CIRAD and the Journal Educatio, the scientific journal on Christian education, we are glad to announce the call for papers for issue n° 15 entitled “Talking about God at School? Primary, Secondary and Higher Education“. Deadline for submission of publication proposals: 30th August 2024. As a reminder,…
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CIRAD participated in the INQAAHE Forum on Social responsibility through Quality Assurance (10-12 June 2024, Romania)

CIRAD-IFCU had the pleasure to participate in the INQAAHE Forum held at University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, on 10-12 June 2024 entitled “Transforming Society: Social Responsibility through Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education”. The Forum, which was hosted by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), is the annual meeting point for…
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Collaboration with Summer School of the Global Leadership Programme led by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)

We are pleased to announce that the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) collaborates with the Summer School (7th-13th July 2024) of the Global Leadership Programme (GPL) led by the Escuela de Gobierno y Liderazgo Isabel la Católica of Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV), Madrid, Spain, in partnership with the Academia Internacional de Líderes Católicos,…
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