CIRAD - International Center for Research and Decision Support

EXTENSION – Call for Papers – Journal Educatio, n. 15, “Talking about God at School? Primary, Secondary and Higher Education”

We are pleased to inform you that the Call for Papers for issue n° 15 of the Journal Educatio, entitled “Talking about God at School? Primary, Secondary and Higher Education“, has been extended.   CIRAD-IFCU, who has recently started a collaboration with Educatio, the scientific journal on Christian education, reminds that the same is open…
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UNISERVITATE Academic Sounding Board has launched four research projects

UNISERVITATE leaders invited members of the Academic Sounding Board to get directly involved in research by making proposals for two-year joint research projects. The 4 main working axes, which were collectively discussed, were finally the following: CIRAD-IFCU, which is part of the UNISERVITATE Academic Sounding Board, is glad to participate in a collaborative research project…
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30th Anniversary of the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Inclusion in education

CIRAD is pleased to share a new brief note on the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education, which established the basic principles of inclusion at school and the main policy changes needed to ensure access and accompaniment of all children, in particular those having special educational needs. This note reminds us…
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News and invitation from the COCTI – IFCU International Research Group in Theology

We are pleased to share with you the latest news regarding the Conference of Catholic Theological Institutions, named COCTI, an International Research Group in Theology that was founded in 1970 within the framework of our Federation. It is important to note that, as part of a worldwide network of Catholic higher education institutions, COCTI members…
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Call for papers – Journal Educatio – N° 15 “Talking about God at School? Primary, Secondary and Higher Education”

Within the framework of the recent collaboration between CIRAD and the Journal Educatio, the scientific journal on Christian education, we are glad to announce the call for papers for issue n° 15 entitled “Talking about God at School? Primary, Secondary and Higher Education“. Deadline for submission of publication proposals: 30th August 2024. As a reminder,…
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CIRAD participated in the INQAAHE Forum on Social responsibility through Quality Assurance (10-12 June 2024, Romania)

CIRAD-IFCU had the pleasure to participate in the INQAAHE Forum held at University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, on 10-12 June 2024 entitled “Transforming Society: Social Responsibility through Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education”. The Forum, which was hosted by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), is the annual meeting point for…
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Collaboration with Summer School of the Global Leadership Programme led by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)

We are pleased to announce that the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) collaborates with the Summer School (7th-13th July 2024) of the Global Leadership Programme (GPL) led by the Escuela de Gobierno y Liderazgo Isabel la Católica of Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV), Madrid, Spain, in partnership with the Academia Internacional de Líderes Católicos,…
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Knowing our students better: Findings from a Spanish study about their perceptions of trust

CIRAD is glad to share on this occasion a new “HIGHER EDUCATION HIGHLIGHTS” NOTE on a study conducted by researchers at Escuni, a Spanish Catholic university college, which examined students’ perceptions of trust (trust in themselves, in others and in education). The results mentioned here were first presented by Prof. Juan Carlos Torre Puente at the…
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Challenges and opportunities for Spanish Catholic universities today: a source of inspiration

CIRAD is glad to share with you a new note on the current and future challenges and opportunities that have been identified by and for Spanish Catholic universities. Finding out about the debate carried out these past months and the issues identified may be a source of inspiration for universities located in other countries or…
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The ACISE International Conference on “Inspiring Trust” took place last April at KUL, Lublin, Poland

On 4-6 April 2024 John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), Lublin, Poland, hosted the 32nd International Conference of ACISE (the IFCU International Research Group – IRG – on Educational sciences) on the topic of “Inspiring Trust“.  The programme of the Conference included a variety of perspectives that linked the notion of trust to pedagogy and, more generally,…
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Visit of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow by IFCU delegation

On April 8, 2024, a delegation from the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) composed of Prof. François Mabille, Secretary General and Dr. Montserrat Alom, CIRAD Director, visited the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Poland. The delegation had the opportunity to meet Rector Msgr. Prof. Robert Tyrala, Phd Habilitatus. Msgr. Prof. Tyrala…
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An IFCU delegation visited Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest

On April 2, 2024, a delegation from the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) composed of Prof. François Mabille, Secretary General and Dr. Montserrat Alom, CIRAD Director, visited Pazmany Peter Catholic University (PPKE) in Budapest, Hungary. The delegation had the opportunity to meet Rector Rev. Mons. Dr. Géza Kuminetz, alongside Vice-Rector Rev. Dr. Krisztián Vincze…
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COCTI XVII General Assembly “Theology in Exit” to be held at Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome (May 27-29, 2024)

COCTI, the IFCU International Research group in the field of theology, will organize its General Assembly entitled “Theology in exit” at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, Italy, on 27-29 May 2024. The event, which will include official encounters with Vatican bodies and services, as well as an Audience with the Pope at St. Peter’s Square,…
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The 2024 IFCU Evaluation Campaign of the Newman Framework on University Social Responsibility is open

Website of the Newman Evaluation on University social responsibility:

IFCU International Congress “Psychology and the Psychosocial: Understandings in Context”, Medellín, Colombia (March 20-22, 2024)

The 8th International Congress of the IFCU International Research Group (IRG) in Psychology entitled “Psychology and the Psychosocial : Understandings in Context” will take place on March 20-22, 2024, at the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó (FUNLAM), Medellín, Colombia. This meeting responds to the interest of socializing the investigative and psychosocial intervention processes that start from…
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New Note: “Rethinking the role of the university from the perspective of social responsibility, with a view to dialoguing with the territory and humanizing our societies”

CIRAD is glad to share with you a new note on a current debate that keeps on affecting higher education and research. Indeed, it questions the role of our universities in building more human societies in the spirit of a horizontal dialogue with all the actors in the territories while providing a space to form…
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Annual meeting of the Council for Scientific Research held in Paris (8 February 2024)

The annual meeting of the Council for Scientific Research (CSR) took place at IFCU headquarters in Paris last week, 8th February 2024. As a reminder, the Council, which is chaired by Prof. Vercauteren (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium) and hosted by CIRAD-IFCU, is made up of the presidents (sometimes delegates) from IFCU International research groups…
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International Conference on “Inspiring Trust”, 4-6 April 2024 at KUL, Lublin, Poland

We are glad to announce that the 32nd International Conference of ACISE (the IFCU International Research Group – IRG – on Educational sciences) will be held on 4-6 April 2024 at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), Lublin, Poland, on the topic of “Inspiring Trust“.  The three-year research project on the educational and anthropological foundations of Educating in…
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New note: The positive role of ethics in the interplay of science and society

CIRAD is glad to share with you a new note that falls within the framework of the recently launched IFCU collection of features on hot topics that affect higher education and research. The note issued last month addresses UNESCO Recommendations in the field of ethics of science, by asserting the positive role of ethics in…
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Call for papers: Conference on Human Freedom at the test of AI and Neurosciences (2-5 September 2024, LUMSA, Rome)

The NHNAI project on the New Humanism at the time of Neurosciences and Artificial Intelligence will organise an International Conference on the topic of “Human Freedom at the test of Artificial Intelligence and Neurosciences” at LUMSA University, Rome, Italy, on 2-5 September 2024. The event has been scheduled in collaboration with the International PhD program “Contemporary…
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Higher Education Highlights – Notes from the CIRAD

IFCU has recently launched a new collection of notes on hot topics that affect higher education and research. CIRAD is glad to contribute to this collection by sharing its own vision on trendy issues with members of the university community.   Our first note, which dealt with UNESCO’s Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications…
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NHNAI Project Newsletter 2

The second Newsletter of the NHNAI Project on “New Humanism at the Time of Neurosciences and Artificial Intelligence” coordinated by the Confluence: Sciences and Humanities Research Center of Lyon Catholic University (France), under the aegis of IFCU, has just been released. This Newsletter presents the problem-framing workshops carried out with the participation of internationally recognized…
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Reminder: International Conference in Croatia on Youth Mobility in the 21st Century (11-12 October 2023)

The International Research Group (IRG) on Social Sciences led by Prof. Pablo Vidal González from the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV), Spain, and hosted by IFCU, organizes an International Conference on “Youth mobility in the 21stcentury“ on 11-12 October, 2023 at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb, Croatia. Researchers from IFCU member universities may take this…
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Don’t miss the IV UNISERVITATE Global Symposium on the topic “Transformative Service-Learning: Cultivating Students Engagement, Community Partnership, and Spiritual Reflection for Social Change”, to be held on 8-9 November 2023 at De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. The context of the Philippines entails an opportunity to highlight the multicultural nature of the symposium by strengthening…
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Future of Life Institute’s Open Letter to pause giant AI experiments – Join the debate!

Several experts in AI have written an Open letter published the 28th of March to warn society against the potential risks and dangers of AI for humanity. Among the signatories, one can find Elon Musk (head of Tesla company and Twitter, co-founder of OpenAI), Steve Worzniak (co-founder of Apple), Yoshua Bengio (AI researcher in Montreal),…
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The last Research Talk on intercultural diversity in the workplace is available on replay

  Last Thursday we had the honour to welcome Prof. Sean O’Connell from Nanzan University (Nagoya, Japan), who offered a lecture entitled “Making the most out of intercultural diversity in the workplace for research and Ph.D. training”. The talk is of great interest to anybody that deals with people from different cultural backgrounds in the…
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Next Research Talk on Intercultural Diversity on the Workplace for Research Training (June 1st 2023) – Nanzan University, Japan

“Making the most out of intercultural diversity in the workplace for research and Ph.D. training”Thursday, June 1st 10am Paris time, 5pm Nagoya time Prof. Sean O’CONNELLFull Professor, Faculty of Policy StudiesNanzan University, Japan As workplaces, including research institutions, around the world become increasingly diverse, the need for intercultural communication skills and cultural intelligence has heightened.…
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The Research Talk on the Appreciative Inquiry Method is available on Youtube

We would like to sincerely thank Prof. Gregoria Arum Yudarwati from Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia, for addressing the potential of the appreciative inquiry method for research and engagement with communities. As a reminder, Prof. Yudarwati currently lectures at the Communications Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University. She has specialized in…
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Deadline extended – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Youth mobility in the 21st century” (11-12 October 2023)

As a reminder, the IFCU International Research Group (IRG) on Social Sciences organizes its next International Conference on the topic of mobility on 11-12 October, 2023 at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb. And the theme chosen for this meeting has been “Youth mobility in the 21st century“. To make sure that the greatest number of people may…
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The Newman Framework and Evaluation Campaign on University Social Responsibility is open!

Website on USR: Contact e-mail:

New research project on “Educating in Trust, Educating for Trust” by ACISE, the IFCU International Research Group on Educational sciences

  One of the International Research Groups of the Federation specialized in the educational sciences, ACISE has initiated a three-year Research project (2023-2026) on the topic “Educating in Trust, Educating for Trust“. The project is being implemented according to three phases: Within the framework of this project, the group organized a two-day Research Seminar at…
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Call for abstracts extended – International Conference on University Social Responsibility

Updates on the International Conference “University as an epicentre for social responsibility: commitment to people and the planet” to be held on 19-21 June 2023 at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto First of all, the dates to submit abstracts have been extended. Here below you will find the updated calendar: Secondly, the host university offers some…
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Save the date: Research Talk on the Appreciative Inquiry Method (April 11th, 2023)

RESEARCH TALK “Appreciative Inquiry as a Research as well as an Engagement Method with Communities” Prof. Gregoria Arum Yudarwati, S.I.P., M.Mktg.Comm., Ph.DAssociate ProfessorCommunications DepartmentFaculty of Social and Political SciencesUniversitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia April 11th, 20233.00 PM in Yogyakarta (Indonesia)10.00 AM in Paris (France) Prof. Yudarwati will present us the appreciative inquiry technique, which is part…
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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Youth mobility in the 21st century” (11-12 October 2023)

The IFCU International Research Group (IRG) on Social Sciences organizes its next International Conference on the topic of mobility on 11-12 October, 2023 at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb. The theme chosen for this meeting is “Youth mobility in the 21st century“. The issue of mobility is of great importance in the century…
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The Research Talk on the Chinese model of Government-University-Industry collaborations is available on replay

We would like to sincerely thank Prof. Rochelle Ge from Saint Joseph University in Macao, SAR, for sharing with us her knowledge on the Chinese model of Government-University-Industry collaborations (the so-called triple helix model). As a reminder, Prof. Ge is a sociologist currently working as the Dean of the School of Education at the University…
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International Conference “University as an epicentre for social responsibility: commitment to people and the planet” (19-21 June 2023) at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto

The Universidade Católica Portuguesa at Porto will host the International Conference “University as an epicentre for social responsibility: commitment to people and the planet” between 19 and 21 June 2023. This pioneering event aims to build an innovative and enthusiastic international scientific forum to promote knowledge and discussion among academic staff, teachers and students focused on…
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PRESS RELEASE – NHNAI project teams set for ethical capacity-building with societal communities in 8 countries

The NHNAI Project has just issued its first PRESS RELEASE taking stock of the various activities carried out so far and announcing the forthcoming ones. The project, which is now entering its second year, has accomplished several milestones, including the organization of the first Academic Workshop at Catholic University of Lyon, France, the organisation of…
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Special issue on AI in the Journal of Moral Theology – NHNAI project

Dr. Brian Patrick Green, the director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University co-edited a special issue of the Journal or Moral Theology on “Artificial Intelligence”. Brian Patrick Green – Thematic coordinator of NHNAI network (AI Ethics) Brian Patrick Green is the director of technology ethics at the…
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Call for papers – EDUCA – “Educating Trust, Educating for Trust”

A new call for papers for the journal EDUCA-International Catholic Journal of Education, number 9 (2023), is open on the theme “Educating Trust, Educating for Trust“. Contemporary societies experience a widespread crisis of trust. Political, economic, scientific, educational and religious institutions are increasingly affected by it. The protests against the vaccination for Covid-19, the abstention…
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Reflection on the DCS and the intuitions, challenges and opportunities of the Synodal process by the IFCU President

Short reflection on the DCS and the intuitions, challenges and opportunities of the synodal process Prof. Dr. Isabel Capeloa Gil President – International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU)              Catholic universities are at the forefront of the Church’s intervention in the world. Their (our) mission is to promote spiritual, intellectual and professional formation of…
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Research Talk “Understanding Chinese model of Government-University-Industry collaborations” (March 1st 2023, University St. Joseph, Macao SAR China)

Save the Date!  Understanding Chinese Model of Government-University-Industry Collaborations in Research and Education:The Case of Macau SAR Prof. Rochelle GeUniversity of Saint Joseph, Macau SAR China Wednesday March 1st, 20235.30 PM (Seoul – Tokyo) / 4:30 PM (Macau – Manila) /3.30 PM (Bangkok – Jakarta) / 9.30 AM (Paris) / 12.00 AM (Mumbai) Higher Education…
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The first NHNAI Project Newsletter has been released!

In this first issue you will find a presentation of the main features of this international multi-actor project relying on selected world-class academic experts from different backgrounds and a large network of multiplier agents. Likewise, you will have access to various excerpts from the first workshop held in Lyon, France, last March, which are timely…
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The UNISERVITATE project on Service-Learning in Catholic Higher Education has launched the UNISERVITATE Collection. With the contribution and collaboration of outstanding international academics and specialists, the collection’s objective is to offer contributions from different regions and to share multicultural perspectives on topics of interest related to spirituality and the pedagogy of service-learning in the world.…
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The Federation’s International Research Group in the Social Sciences (IRG) has recently launched the journal ” Beyond Borders : Advances in Global Welfare “, co-published with Boston College (Boston, USA). It is an open access, peer-reviewed journal with a global orientation but with a particular focus on social work issues. The second volume of the…
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The Research Talk entitled “Research and Statecraft: An Encounter with the Global South” is available on replay!

As part of its “Research Talks” series, CIRAD-IFCU held a webinar on the topic of “Research and Statecraft: An Encounter with the Global South” on Wednesday January 19th 2022 with the aim to better apprehend the dynamics of approaching policy-making from research.   For the first webinar of the year, we were delighted to welcome Hon. Frederick…
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COMIUCAP conférence


COMIUCAP, the scholarly group bringin together philosophers from IFCU universiites around the world, organized its First Online Conference entitled «Refacing Humanity After the Pandemic» on 7-10 December, 2021. The videos of the Presentations that took place during the event, are available by clicking directly on the name of each speaker: Europe|7th& 9th of Dec.|Org.: Prof.…
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Seton Hall University and Catholic Studies Director to Lead an IFCU International Scholarly Working Group

As part of its membership in the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) network, Seton Hall University will oversee an intercontinental working group focused on exploring how the Catholic Intellectual Tradition can be integrated into curriculum for all disciplines. Led by Director of Catholic Studies Ines Murzaku, Ph.D., the group will bring together scholars from…
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Saint Paul Institute (SPI) in Cambodia organized a Webinar on 23-24 November 2021 on the topic of achieving social inclusion at the national level, which falls within the disabilities inclusion strand that CIRAD keeps on promoting and developing. More than 100 participants from higher education institutions, NGOs, the national Catholic community, local governmental agencies and…
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