Collaboration with Summer School of the Global Leadership Programme led by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)

Collaboration with Summer School of the Global Leadership Programme led by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)

We are pleased to announce that the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) collaborates with the Summer School (7th-13th July 2024) of the Global Leadership Programme (GPL) led by the Escuela de Gobierno y Liderazgo Isabel la Católica of Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV), Madrid, Spain, in partnership with the Academia Internacional de Líderes Católicos, Multilateral Dialogue Geneva | Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, COMECE – The Catholic Church in the EU and the Fundación Nemesio Diez.

The Summer School, which will take place this year in Aranda del Duero, Spain, focuses on the past, present and future of Europe using a challenges-based, action-led, multidisciplinary approach, bringing together future and present leaders to develop shared approaches to the challenges identified. The Summer School is organized by the Academia Internacional de Líderes Católicos in association with Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and its Escuela de Gobierno y Liderazgo Isabel la Católica, the MyIdeal-IT Solutions and COMECE – The Catholic Church in the EU.  

The Global Leadership Programme is a sophisticated, three years long, hybrid programme that seeks to identify, connect and shape the leaders of today and tomorrow that Europe needs to respond to the enormous challenges it faces. The Programme kicks-off with the Summer School and continues with an online period between October 2024 and June 2025.

For more information visit the Summer School website by clicking here.

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