UNISERVITATE Award 2022: Service-learning experiences in Catholic Higher Education

The Uniservitate Programme invites all Catholic Higher Education Institutions (CHEIs) developing experiences that include academic learning in the solidarity service to the community to be part of the Uniservitate Award 2022: “Service-Learning Experiences in Catholic Higher Education.”
This initiative is a recognition for the best experiences of service-learning developed within the Catholic Institutions of Higher Education (ICES). The objectives of the Award are to make visible and recognise projects that integrate academic learning with concrete actions of service to the community. In this way, the Uniservitate Award aims to become a source of inspiration for the entire university world.
- The award will consider all initiatives – even the most incipient ones – that have been launched between January 2019 and April 2022 within the framework of ICES anywhere in the world.
- The Award will distribute a total of 84,000 euros, which will be used to give continuity to the awarded projects or to initiate new ones.
- In each region, two prizes of 5,000 euros each will be awarded, and two special mentions of 1,000 euros.
- In addition, the two winners in each region will be able to travel to the 3rd Uniservitate Symposium, which will take place in Rome from 26 to 30 October.
The winning experiences will be announced in July.
The deadline for submissions is open until May 2nd 2022!
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