Handbook on best practices in Africa and Asia : Improving disabled students’ inclusion within Catholic universities

Handbook on best practices in Africa and Asia : Improving disabled students’ inclusion within Catholic universities

The access to higher education for people with disabilities is a crucial issue for higher education institutions (HEIs) and, in particular, for Catholic HEIs in the light of the Church’s humanistic values and intellectual tradition.

In this regard, IFCU launched an international project entitled “Towards an Inclusive Culture and Pedagogy” in 2014, with the aim of improving disabled students’ access to Catholic HEIs in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

As enriching and useful the IFCU network can be based on the diversity of its members, it also sometimes faces important challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of access to accurate information, to have a clear picture of good practices in this field. Different methods were used to get accurate and updated information of practices and actions developed by IFCU member universities.

The handbook put an emphasis on different good practices that have been identified within IFCU member universities located in Asia and Africa within the framework of the said project.

You can download the document here


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