UNISERVITATE Academic Sounding Board has launched four research projects

UNISERVITATE leaders invited members of the Academic Sounding Board to get directly involved in research by making proposals for two-year joint research projects. The 4 main working axes, which were collectively discussed, were finally the following:
- Institutionalization of service-learning in Catholic higher education institutions;
- Spiritual dimension of service-learning; institutional spirituality and training;
- Impact on the spiritual dimension, commitment and professional development of students;
- Networks.
CIRAD-IFCU, which is part of the UNISERVITATE Academic Sounding Board, is glad to participate in a collaborative research project on the topic of networks, in particular by examining the construction of the UNISERVITATE network alongside knowledge co-production and circulation modalities within the same. Indeed, it will address the historical journey of the network in its first stage, focusing on its evolution from an international programme to a worldwide network and, finally, to a global community, while taking into account processes and tools allowing for co-producing knowledge while implementing the project main activities.
Link to the announcement on the UNISERVITATE website: https://www.uniservitate.org/2024/06/06/the-uniservitate-academic-sounding-board-launches-four-research-projects/