CIRAD - International Center for Research and Decision Support

International Conference : “Refugees and migrants in a globalized world – Responsibility and responses of Universities”

The International Federation of Catholic Universities has been working for several months on “Migrants and Refugees” issues. Next November, IFCU with the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, the Center for Interreligious Understanding and Being the Blessing Foundation, will organize an International Conference on the “Responsibility and responses of Universities toward migration issues”. With the International Conference, the…
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International Congress of Health Sciences in Catholic Universities

“Teaching and Practicing Palliative Care in Catholic Universities” Increasing longevity in our society today is due to tremendous scientific and technological developments that have not evolved at the same rate as human development. This has created gaps that are increasingly apparent in the most vulnerable social groups and at the most defenseless stages of life,…
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2017 Survey on the French and the European values (EVS/ARVAL/Pacte)

The Federation will be one of the official partners of the Survey on the French and the European values (EVS), which will start in autumn 2017 in European countries. This survey, coordinated in France by the PACTE-CNRS Lab and ARVAL, will tackle the topic of values in relation to hot issues, among which social solidarity,…
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